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Speaker of the Year Award

Speaker of the Year Award

So, I have been anonymously nominated for The Speaker of the Year Award.

This means so much because in my early career I considered myself the Worlds Worst Presenter.

I would shake, get a full on body blush (I used to have to wear a polo neck) and my voice would do this weird Tarzan thing.

Naturally shy, happy to blend into the background I was horrified when my boss said, your personality profile says you should be a speaker.

I started small with 20 minute tool box talks. In the end I got over myself and whilst I am still introverted, as long as my message is helping or inspiring someone to lead a better work life I’m happy to get on that stage.

To win, votes contribute towards the outcome and you can find the link in my bio or go here: tr.ee/ij1F57KB9k

Whoever nominated me, thank you x
How to Get Focused

How to Get Focused

Morning campers. Just back from holibobs & realised I had holiday brain. You know that fuzzy…I’ve been way too relaxed & need to fire up the old thinking cells feeling?

When I’m like this I’m at risk of wasting time or going for the low hanging fruit…although that can be a nice way to slide back into work 😉.

Anyway, to help with #focus, #overwhelm prevention & time #optimisation I reviewed my vision board & strategic plan.

It also gave me a jolt of excitement as I think about my plans.

Anyway, curious, who else uses a #strategicplan & #vision? What other things do you do to stay on track?
How to de-stress

How to de-stress

We all get overwhelmed, overloaded at some point…the point is we recognise this & press reset.

What do you do to press reset?

#resetting #destressing #stressfree #lookafteryourself #wellbeing
How to use #eft  / #tapping

How to use #eft / #tapping

How to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or tapping. Use this technique when you want to shift unwanted feelings or beliefs. #limitingbelief #negativethoughts #negativefeelings
How to Detect Your Timeline & How it Influences You

How to Detect Your Timeline & How it Influences You

Are you an in-time or through-time person? I share how you can work this out & use the information to your advantage. #optimise #performbetter #timemanagement #nlpcoaching #nlp
How to Make Better Decisions

How to Make Better Decisions

How cool would it be? If you could tap into your unconscious mind to find out what you really thought about something? I’m going to share an easy tool with you from my NLP days which will help you make more congruent decisions that feel right no more second-guessing yourself lead more authentic and healthier life, using what I share. This is just one of the things from my next book, which is about stepping into your power and manifesting your best work life yet. You can be one of the 1st to read it for free before it’s published. See the link in my bio 👆👆👆. #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourbestlife #stepintoyourpower #leadanalignedlife
Antidote to #stress and #Workaholism

Antidote to #stress and #Workaholism

Have you noticed that we get more of whatever we focus on when I was doing the research for my book Inner Brilliance • Outer Shine, I discovered that one of the antidotes to #stress and #workaholism is to do this one thing 👆#innerbrillianceoutershine #impostersyndrome
How to #optimise Your #thinking When You Feel Blocked

How to #optimise Your #thinking When You Feel Blocked

Have you noticed how our thoughts influence our actions today? I share one of my tools to help you overcome those negative Groundhog Day thoughts. See the link in my bio for my free journaling & self-coaching tool 👆👆 👆 #journaling #journal #negativethoughts #overcomeobstacles #overthinkers
How To Deal With Negative Thoughts

How To Deal With Negative Thoughts

Have you noticed how our thoughts influence our actions today? I share one of my tools to help you overcome those negative Groundhog Day thoughts. See the link in my bio for my free journaling & self-coaching tool 👆👆 👆 #journaling #journal #negativethoughts #overcomeobstacles #overthinkers
How #fear Can Keep You #stuck

How #fear Can Keep You #stuck

How #fear keeps us stuck & stops us from #leading our best work-lives. I share 2 things you can do to get unstuck & my free resource to help. See the link in my bio 👆👆👆#fearoffailure #stuck #insecurity #questioning #lawyer #hrd #accountant #getunstuck #dreamlife #attainyourgoals
4 #selfsabotage patterns

4 #selfsabotage patterns

When we self-sabotage.

I had a fabulous day talking about one of my favourite topics: imposter syndrome but also how we can self sabotage our goals dreams and desires.

Whether that’s not believing in yourself. Procrastinating. Or giving up too soon just as you were about to make a breakthrough.

We looked at four main fears which keep us stuck when it comes to personal development and growth:

1. Fear of failure
2. Fear of rejection
3. Fear of insecurity
4. Fear of conflict

Fear’s positive intention is to keep us safe. However, what it does do is keep us exactly where we are.

So what’s the solution?

1. To have an awareness of how you are self sabotaging your goals.
2. To challenge those limiting beliefs.
3. To be the captain of your thoughts: stop those that you don’t want or reframe them.
4. To break down large goals into bite-size tasks. This makes it less scary.
5. Take action & do the first task. Get off the starting blocks.
6. Get an accountability buddy. Studies show that goal attainment increases to 95%. #conflict #failure #impostersyndrome #insecurity #rejection
#manifest your #bestlife with my #freebook #stepintoyourpower

#manifest your #bestlife with my #freebook #stepintoyourpower

The toxic side of #perfectionism & 2 things you can do to overcome it. #impostersyndrome #innerbrillianceoutershine #stress #stressrelief #innercritic #innercriticbegone
The Toxic Side of #perfectionism

The Toxic Side of #perfectionism

The toxic side of #perfectionism & 2 things you can do to overcome it. #impostersyndrome #innerbrillianceoutershine #stress #stressrelief #innercritic #innercriticbegone
The Toxic Effects of Imposter Syndrome

The Toxic Effects of Imposter Syndrome

There’s a toxic side to imposter syndrome (IS), which creates what I refer as IS Domino Effect.

This is where one thing leads to another, e.g. not feeling good enough leads to proving our worth, which leads to doing too much, which leads to stress, anxiety & sometimes burn out.

I’m running a free webinar on 1/5/24 at 11 am & will be sharing my 5 steps for overcoming this. Places are limited. See #linkinbio to grab your spot or book here:


#impostersyndrome #imposter #workaholism #stress #burnout #youaregoodenough #selfesteem
Imposter Syndrome Type 1: The Expert

Imposter Syndrome Type 1: The Expert

Imposter Syndrome Type #1: The Expert.

To find out more about the other 4 types and the 5 steps involved to overcome Imposter Syndrome (and it’s associated symptoms), I’m running a free event on 17/1/24.

Places are limited and 300 peeps have already indicated that they’re in. Grab your spot below 👇 or see #linkinbio☝️ #impostersyndrome #stress #anxiety #burnout #workaholic:
Book in here: calendly.com/...ed-symptoms-in-5-steps
Tip 47: Journal

Tip 47: Journal

Tip 47: Journal. Journal negative thoughts and feelings out. Journaling can improve cognitive function, anxiety, mood, depression, wellbeing, and emotional regulation.18 You can download my free journaling process and template here: 2beee.com/...ance-outer-shine-journal/

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#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 43: Model behaviour

Tip 43: Model behaviour

Tip 43: Model behaviour.
Model (copy) the behaviour and attitudes of a happy, confident person. This is an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming Technique). Notice how they hold themselves, what language they use and how they spend their time.

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#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 51: Use Havening

Tip 51: Use Havening

Tip 51: Use Havening. Crush unwanted anxiety, stress, depression and imposter syndrome and create natural, calm, confidence & time efficiency using Havening. It’s dramatically changed my life and the lives of my clients. Havening can create automatic behaviour, belief and emotional changes. It’s simple to use, the tricky part is identifying the root cause, (which is where I come in). Save yourself 66 days practice, (this is how long it takes on average to change a habit, which is why change is challenging). Havening scrambles the neural pathways associated with the trigger and is just flipping fab.

Ready To Make Changes? Join My SHINE Programme To:

Reduce stress and anxiety so that you feel calmer.

Increase your confidence and get rid of your imposter syndrome so that you can stop proving you’re good enough.

Lesson your workload, so that you have more time to do the things you love.

You’ve Got Three Ways To Participate:

The Bespoke: 1-2-1 SHINE Coaching Programme. Book a free discovery call here to find out more: calendly.com/...eatbeee/shinediscovery

The Collaborator: Group SHINE Coaching Programme. Register your interest here: mailchi.mp/...e-workaholism-and-stress

The Soloist: Self-Guided On-Line SHINE Coaching Programme. Register your interest here: mailchi.mp/...e-workaholism-and-stress
Tip 48: Stop Taking on Others Monkey’s

Tip 48: Stop Taking on Others Monkey’s

Tip 48: Stop Taking on Others Monkey’s (tasks)! Recognise when it’s not your circus (or drama). Give yourself less to do.

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#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 44: Learn to breathe

Tip 44: Learn to breathe

Tip 44: Learn to breathe. Of course, you are breathing but are you breathing ‘properly’? Breathing can help make you calmer, relieve pain, elevate your mood, improve posture, clear all the crap from your lymphatic system, increase energy, improve digestion and strengthen organs.17 Try this breathing exercise: Breath in for a count of 7 through your nose. Exhale through your mouth for a count of 11. Repeat between 10 – 20 times.

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#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 46: Sing

Tip 46: Sing

Tip 46: Sing. For me this would be when nobody is listening – cats choir and all that. Singing relieves stress, stimulates the immune response, increases your pain threshold, can improve snoring, enhances lung function, develops a sense of belonging and connection (obvs. not on your own), helps with grief and improves mental health and mood.

Get the other 49 stress relieving tips here 👇

#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 42: Stop Rescuing People

Tip 42: Stop Rescuing People

Tip 42: Stop rescuing people, you’re only reinforcing their helplessness. This increases both your physical and mental burden. Not good for people that want to be happy. Yes, take care of your dependents, but as for everyone else, allow them to be responsible adults. They will learn and grow from the experience. In the long run, you’re doing them a favour.

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#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 49: Manage your people boundaries

Tip 49: Manage your people boundaries

Tip 49: Manage your people boundaries. Anger is a clue that a personal boundary is being breached. Boundaries often have strong connections with our beliefs and values. For example, I cannot stand to see anyone not being treated fairly or kindly. I become the defender. This is something I must watch, as not only am I at risk of rescuing someone, (and saving them from learning the skills themselves) but it also gives me more to do. Being clear about what’s important to you, noticing when you are triggered and then communicating and holding that boundary with others helps.

Get the other 49 stress relieving tips here 👇

#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 19: Walk

Tip 19: Walk

Tip 19: Walk. It has some surprising benefits. It counteracts the effects of weight-promoting genes. It tames a sweet tooth, (I could do with that). It reduces the risk of breast cancer. It eases joint pain. (If we’re in pain it eats away at our happiness; we’re certainly not SHINING). It boosts immune function

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#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 18: Meditate

Tip 18: Meditate

Join a class, download an app or listen to a video on YouTube. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, control anxiety, promote emotional health, enhance self-awareness, lengthen attention span, reduce age-related memory loss, generate kindness, fight addictions, improve sleep and control pain. What’s not to love about it!

Get the other 49 stress relieving tips here 👇

#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 29: Give yourself less to do

Tip 29: Give yourself less to do

Tip 29: Give yourself less to do. Stop being the superhero and stressing yourself out. You’ll burn out. Start saying no, or no for now. Give someone else a chance to grow their skillset 😉.

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#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 27: Values

Tip 27: Values

Tip 27: Work out your values. When we get our values met we experience an array of positive emotions. However, the opposite is also true when we don’t. For example, if ‘Stability’ is important to you and you are going through a change at work or home, it may make you feel stressed until stability is re-established.

Get the other 49 stress relieving tips here 👇

#InnerBrillianceOuterShine #stressmanagement #confidence #anxiety #happiness

Tip 34: Gratitude

Tip 34: Gratitude

Tip 34: Practice gratitude. It can enhance mental health, mood, happiness, optimism, sleep, immunity, emotional intelligence and positive emotions. It can also reduce stress, depression, anxiety, negative thoughts, chronic pain and disease risk.16 Another long list of reasons to do this! You can download my free journaling template which reminds you to practice gratitude here: 2beee.com/...ance-outer-shine-journal/

Get the other 49 stress relieving tips here 👇


Tip 45: Inner Critic

Tip 45: Inner Critic

Tip 45: Challenge your Inner Critic and develop an Inner Captain. The National Science Foundation identified that 80% of our thoughts are negative and 95% are the same. Talk about Groundhog Day! Learn how using my free journaling template which you can find here: 2beee.com/...ance-outer-shine-journal/

For a more detailed explanation, you can find my book here: www.amazon.co.uk/...ism/dp/1789048036/

Get the other 49 stress relieving tips here 👇


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